@Peter Fielden-Weston
whilst it may be true that all standards should be supported... that is impleied...
they have already said that they intend for IE8 to support all the current standards and are now working on a way to implement standards that are pencilled in for future release as a standard.
they can pick and choose these standards because as they said, these are not standards, they are looking for what are the most promising to actually get standardised, and looking at what people will want to use and getting those out.
arguably IE has a much slower development cycle than other browsers,
are ou suggesting that they should only implement current standards and then be behind until the release of IE9, or would you actually support the current proactive view that they are taken at looking at new and emerging standards and looking to include those so that they will be supported in the browser from the word go?
I guess to sum it up.
yes you're right they should adhere to all standards,
but you are wrong (or didn't read the article properly).
they don't have to adhere to non-standards and can indeed pick and choose what to support (until they are standards) then they should support them.