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Birmingham Board of Education: Where interpersonal politics is King!
Many years ago, did a goodly chunk of my journeyman computer guy work in the many schools there. (Netware 2.x, IBM PS/2s, and baseband networking.) That experience, plus concern for my daughter's education, is why I moved to a suburban satellite town just south of B'ham proper.
Although the Reg says, "Birmingham's city council has rubber-stamped a $3.5m deal", the AP article pointed to as a source says "Birmingham's school board still must agree to the deal". Personally, I thought the announcement was just a PR move to gloss over other woes such as the recent vote to close 16 schools to avoid state level gov't swooping in to run things, or the report with pages that went missing between being received by the soon-to-be most recent ex-Supertendant of Ed. and his passing the report along to the rest of the Board.
Just a shiny, distracting, feel-good exercise, like most pushes to throw technology into education. It might be interesting to see what good would come of it, but it doesn't seem very likely that they'll actually spend the money.