Katzenberg needs to wake and sniff, the coffee is fresh!
Dreamworks and Paramount are sore losers here, and they're acting like it. There is no reason for them to drag their feet on Blu-Ray releases. They've done BD releases before, the movies are already HD encoded for the HD-DVD releases and the box art is done except for a few logo replacements here and there. How long does it take to slap together some java based menus? You can't tell me that they weren't working on BD releases in the background even while being exclusive to HD-DVD for a while.
So why take so long in getting new BD releases out there? Why make all these coy statements about having agreements of exclusivity? Those agreements are surely void now, and if not I would be shocked if Toshiba didn't release them from any obligations. Yet Katzenberg still feels obligated to refrain from BD releases until the summer? Doesn't add up.
Ah, well it doesn't add p until you notice one thing. Microsoft. Was the agreement for exclusivity more of an agreement not to release anything in Blu-Ray? And was Microsoft a party to the agreement? If so, then Toshiba killing HD-DVD and backing away is all fine and well, but the agreements signed may still hold water because Microsoft has zero interest in seeing Blu-Ray succeed. They'd rather see Downloads take hold since that is what they have wanted from the beginning. Now, downloads have their own problems, not least of which is that the absolute majority of consumers in the US and UK do not have access to the broadband speeds needed for anything even approaching HD content streaming. However Microsoft doesn't care about that, it wants control of the living room, and download is core to that because it takes the content off optical discs and puts it on their Windows systems or Xboxes. In the CE space there are hundreds of DVD/BD player makers and make production companies pressing discs. So no one company has a monopoly over things. No matter what people think or say, Sony does not own Blu-Ray, whereas Microsoft most definitely owns Windows and Xbox and Live....
Ah yes, it all makes more sense now. Paramount and Dreamworks are beholden to Microsoft still and cannot get out of their agreement until June. Apparently the contract doesn't stipulate that they have to release new HD-DVDs, but perhaps it prevents new BD releases. Yep, it makes much more sense now.
God, how I hate Microsoft. Now you know why the icon is chosen.