Not sure...
...What the lady in the moving element voice over is saying but I wish I could get a similar sound out of my wife from time to time :-)
AC because she reads El Reg too!
We're pretty disappointed to learn that Swisscom has disproved the theory that the Swiss are largely immune to rebranding madness, preferring to eschew the advances of the Strategy Boutique in favour of avoiding armed conflicts and counting other people's money. Swisscom's new logo Sadly, the company has evidently answered …
...What the lady in the moving element voice over is saying but I wish I could get a similar sound out of my wife from time to time :-)
AC because she reads El Reg too!
It sounds like she's singing something "Uhmmm Bllla, la la", which would fit with the syllables ~Tel-e-kom~.
So going off that premise She's likely singing "Uhmm Tel, e, kom"....
Yeah that makes a whole lot of sence doesn't it?!
Those supposedly inspired branding specialist folks from Germany we keep hiring to mess up our logos should definitely cut back on the crack smoking habit.
It's not art. It's not cool. It looks like an improv attempt to fake a Miro, using Microsoft Paint - then flashily animate it to make it look less crappy and more hip(py).
There must have been about 12 cups of coffee per person involved, messing with otherwise dysfunctional artsy (overpaid) brains.
It's horrible. And it's all over the place already. I am deeply disappointed. Not exactly a splendid reason to switch provider after decades of a seemingly lasting relationship, is it. At least the males seem to like the lala-jingle. Maybe it promotes the adults-only mobile entertainment offerings, who knows?
Strategy Boutique actually came up with a really awesome logo, but someone forgot to delete several draft layers when they hit "flatten image" and "save".
And as someone who works in brand consultancy, I'm still fighting down dry heaves. Probably not that unlike their "customers' expectations".