Software patents
Software patents are bad and wrong, and prevent programmers from using/reusing basic ideas.
The patent in this article should never have been granted, as a spreadsheet and a database are two different interfaces to the same data structure- rows and columns. conversion from one to the other is a trivial problem, and one that had almost certainly been solved before, many times.
Patent checkers who are unfamiliar with the technology they are checking could just check that a patent dosn't already exist for something similar, and grant it, without realizing that it isn't in any way novel. Similarly, a wide ranging patent could be granted for an idea, rather than an implementation...
Edison spent a lot of time working on a telephone that worked in a fundamentally different way from Bell's, (even though it was no where near as good) so he could patent it and get into the telephone market without having to pay royalties. There were three patents on steam locomotives that worked in different ways, four on steam powered car/truck engines. Patents are there to protect specific implementations of technology from being copied and used for profit, not to lock off whole areas and prevent anyone else from solving the same problem in a different way, which is how software (and biotech) patents tend to be written these days...