What if...
he wasnt staff, would they have found him a prossie then? Lets face it, a concierge at a Casino/hotel will have seen everything...
An employee of Riverside Casino and Golf Resort in Iowa was given his marching orders after getting legless in the casino's hotel and demanding a strumpet be sent to his room. Neil Jorgensen, 62, had been given a night's stay at the hotel as a reward to "mark a year's employment", Fox News reports. Having enjoyed a good nosh- …
"He was also given special permission to use the colour printer so I guess they do value him very much."
It wasn't BAe was it? In my first week at BAe St. Albans I printed out a bit of code that I was to modify and this complete toss-pot came over and said I needed his permission to use the printer for anything more than a couple of pages and this was only a line printer. I didn't make it to the end of the week before I walked out.
I live a few miles up the road from Riverside, and this was easily the funniest story of the week. The casino just opened about a year ago, so I'm not surprised they are rewarding staff that have been there since the beginning.
As for the bloke that questioned whether Iowa even has prostitutes, we aren't that wholesome in middle-America. They just busted a prostitution ring in town last month, and our local bars (and strumpets) can be seen in the latest Girls Gone Wild video.
So, this guy has been sacked from his job AND the judge denied him unemployment benefits? How then is he supposed to live? His only options, as far as I can see if he can't find another job straight away (and at 62 it's not likely) is to starve to death in the streets or turn to a life of crime. No wonder the US has the crime problems it does - if you create a system that denies a person ANY legitimate income, what the fuck do you expect?
Unfortunately tis the same in what was once "good ol' Blighty".
Well maybe I am generalising a bit as it probably only applies to people outside of London who have lived and worked here for 30 odd years. We don't have judges making the decisions, tis all down to local jobsworths.
My company was different, no bonuses for loyalty, the longer you were there the more noticable the budget costs became. When the highest costs were continuously targeted it was only a matter of time before I became the top target.
Mine's the one with the lock pick training kit and gemmy in one pocket and mugging cudgel in the other.