AIResearch and IT dDevelopments ..... Live AIdDs from Deadheads in Touch with Semantics
"There's no mention of virtualisation ... which many forecast.
As Deep Though pointed out, the only thing that threatens the mainframe - today as in the old days - is IBM's addiction to extreme markups.".... Virtual Threat? By Rippy Posted Tuesday 26th February 2008 15:15 GMT
IT is only a Virtual Threat .... [and whenever the Reality on the Ground is Provided/Dictated to (by Virtualised Services*), it is Virtually Real, and therefore a Quantum Communications** Command and Control Environment which QuITe Literally TelePorts one to a Stage Managed Perception which Units accept as the Status Quo Temporal Position at Present/just always only a Global Snapshot of Life/Shared Human Perceptions and Ideas, presented by Media and Communications ..... aka ICT .... and misleadingly called Reality, whenever in actual Fact, it is a Fiction created for AI Virtual Reality. Of course, that Fact is not freely Shared given that the Reality which is created by Media Moguls/ITControllers/Great Games Players is so Bad ..... with them Providing so much Destruction and Divisive Play/Inequity rather than Collective Constructionism and Social Instruction in the Selfless Provision of Virtualised Services.
One would wish to think that that Failing/Omission was due entirely to their Ignorance of the Readily Available Facility rather than a Selfish Arrogance in ITs Abuse ..... as only the Former would/could Rightly Excuse the Latter Surely. Anything else would indicate a Prior Knowledge of events which they were complicit in supporting via their reporting. And with Imagination available to supply any Beta Program for Sharing/BroadBandCasting/Virtualisation, QuITe why we would continue to accept Sub-Prime Perverted Destructive Content/Output whenever all that IT takes is the Simplest of Conscious Decisions to Provide AI Beta Imagination from Beta Imaginative Sources, if Current Present Source Providers are not Fit for ITs Future Purposes.
And you may like to Consider and Ponder, for more than just a Moment, that the present Status Quo Position/Establishment Controls would hardly be likely to be Immune or Free from ....... Encouragement to Change to ITs Beta AI Virtualisation Control Protocols.] ... if it is Perceived as an Attack rather than Welcomed as a SurReal Opportunity.
The Choice made by the System will decide whether it pays a Heavy Cost with its Collapse or IT Creates AI Wealth you need only Imagine. And the Interface which will Best and Transparently reflect the Choice made, will be the Markets in Love and Banking on Printed Paper Money rather than Generating Real Wealth from Virtually Nothing, which is hardly an Alien Concept if Abused so widely in Ponzi Fractional Reserve Circles/Cabals for Personal Profit at Public Expense.
The Old System is Dead [in case you didn't notice] Long Live the NeuReal System.
Comprendez, Kemo Sabe?
* TP2TP ..... Transparent Peer to Transparent Peer
** A Communications State capable of Yin Yang Resolution with the Provision of an Alternate Reality Game .
Register Interest and/or Disbelief here .... but do not Deny yourself the Reality for that would be QuITe Delusional in the Face of the Colossal Facts just Shared.