they decieved us, they are iable.
i'm totally in agreement with the suit and what Richard and Walter said.
The phone was advertised SPECIFICALLY as having the Qualcomm chipset, so to provide the hardware without the software to make it useful is complete false advertising.
if you buy a v8 engine, all the bloody cylinders should be firing!
HTC say it takes too much to get good drivers, bullshit as already said, there already ARE drivers from Qualcomm and HTC made the stupid & selfish mistake not to provide the drivers available at cost.
now HTC have been found out and are in the shit because there are 10,000 people on a petition (and much more too lazy to sign), that are demanding HTC show some balls and man-up to their "mistake".
If HTC realized the petition's relevance to sales then a solution would fly to us.
10,000 people who bought devices costing about $500 equates to $5,000,000 worth of pissed off customers.
i don't think HTC can ignore that kind of loose change.
we shouldn't have to check that the manufacturer isn't lying when buying a product based on simple specs about the hardware.
it either has the hardware or it doesn't, if it DOES then it comes with the softeware to MAKE IT WORK!
anything less is false advertising and liable.