OK, they are officially lying scum
When the initial reports came out, I attempted to register a petition at the 10 Downing Street site, as follows:
" We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to: 'Abandon
plans to deprive people of internet access on the basis of
"suspicion" of illegal downloading'
It is reported by the BBC and the Times that the government is
considering requiring internet service providers to cut
internet access for people "suspected" of illegally downloading
copyrighted material. The monitoring that this policy would
require is an invasion of privacy; further, there already exist
legal avenues for media companies to take action against people
who unlawfully share copyrighted material.
If a media company has a "suspicion" that their material is
being unlawfully shared or downloaded, then let them use the
law as it stands to prove that and then have action taken to
stop it.
This proposal gives private media companies an utterly
unwarranted privileged status and reverses the burden of proof
to the detriment of ordinary citizens who may well be perfectly
innocent of any wrongdoing, yet be punished on the basis of no
more than "suspicion".
Internet access is extremely important to a massive number of
people in this country, and to suggest that it should continue
only at the whim of media companies and their "suspicions" is
utterly unacceptable.
We call upon the Prime Minister to abandon this draconian,
intrusive and fundamentally unjust proposal."
It was rejected as follows:
" Hi,
I'm sorry to inform you that your petition has been rejected.
Your petition was classed as being in the following categories:
* Potentially libellous, false, or defamatory statements
Further information: No such proposals have been put forward."
Which is, fairly obviously, an outright lie.