anyone got any recipes for it?
According to wikipedia:
In many areas of the world, the snakehead fish is considered to be an important food fish.
So at least it's edible.
A UK angler has provoked a piscine killer invasion alert by landing a 2ft snakehead in a Lincolnshire river - the first recorded example in British waterways of the highly-invasive southeast Asian species which will reportedly eat anything which crosses its path. Andy Alder, of Lincoln, hooked the beast while using a sprat as …
This report is taken almost word for word from the Sun. Where is the independent journalistic research to add to the story?
There are too many stories being "lifted" from external sources without checking and separate verification.
Maybe it's true, maybe it's not (the Sun must get some facts right some time!) ...
@ Stuart Halliday:
It may be true that the snakehead "can't live below 15C" -- but it was found during winter. And it was found in the Potomac river, which is a colder climate than the UK. So that kinda squashes your theory.
I can't stand environmental nutters like this who ignore the evidence so they can stop caring.
In a weeks time the sun will report that the public's reaction of fear and disgust to pictures of the Snakehead amounts to racism against the Snakehead fish and that the poor fish pulled from the river was a victim of child abuse and traffickers and just wanted a fresh start in a new country but was vilified and persecuted by the government and the anglers association.
The brainless masses will believe this and start a campaign to allow the family of the Snakehead to move to the UK and take up lodgings in the river from which the Snakehead was abducted by those evil anglers. Claims that the Snakehead was a hard working piscine and that he made a great contribution to british society will be made by a bunch of so-called experts (i.e people who had never met nor heard of the Snakehead until this story came to light).
The government deciding that it must do something will organise for the family of the Snakehead (after of course a hugely taxpayer expensive investigation which really doesnt find the Snakeheads family but picks up some other Snakeheads from a quite possibly different south american country) and delivers them into the river where they promptly eat all of the native British fish and breed copiously in a rather anti-social way. This is spun to the sheep-like public as a great addition to the ethnic diversity of British waterways, and that the loss of the British fish cannot be blamed on the Snakeheads but is due to a clash of the piscine cultures. The public is assured that no expense will be spared to integrate the Snakeheads into British piscine society. Additionally anglers are prevented fishing in any location where the Snakeheads are believed to be so that their vile vilification of the new migrant fish is put to an end.
Joe Public is happy and content and a new season of Big Brother starts and so Joe Public forgets all about the Snakeheads which go on to kill all of the fish species in any river they can get their hands on.
The end...
PS Yes i know i have way too much time on my hands!
It's too late they own you once you notice an adult they've bred out of control and eaten most of the other species they'll die back after they finish off everything in the river. No reason to worry it's already done. The reason I say all this is they are notoriously hard to catch only when they are very old and voracious will the average angler grab one. Have a nice day.
from (I know it is not authoritative) wikipedia:
"Channa argus, which is native to northern China (Amur River), was introduced to Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan). It was introduced to Japan about 100 years ago due to fisheries motivations. Its introduction to Czechoslovakia by the government in the 1960s failed due to cold winters."
even the bleak (no pun intended) R Witham doesn't get as cold as Czech Rep
I'm the editor of Practical Fishkeeping magazine's website and have seen a photograph of the fish the angler claims to have caught. It's Channa micropeltes, the Red- or Giant snakehead - a tropical species. I am personally extremely surprised that this species was apparently feeding. It normally lives in waters of 25-28 C and I would not rate its chances of survival long in water not far above zero, so I'm astonished to hear that the angler claims he caught it on a pike bait...
More information on it here: