Perhaps people are waking up
Perhaps they are realising that this is not such a good idea after all. Perhaps they are realising that the real reason for ID cards is control of the population as a whole, and not paedophiles/terrorists/teenagers. Perhaps finding out that the police are already (illegally) recording conversations between innocent people and their MP. Being on remand awaiting an extradition hearing while no offence has been committed in this country is innocent. Maybe, they even beginning to remember how Ghandi started his campaign for independence of India, by refusing to carry his ID papers.
Why has the government leaped to the support of copyright holders? Now they have a reason to monitor everyone's internet connection. Watch out for the scope creep here. Stalin would have been proud of them, because this is precisely his tactics in subjugating the Soviet Union.
Detention without trial (sorry, control orders), criminalising activities without the need for legislation (ASBO), persecution of identifiable groups (teenagers). WWII started with these things, change the names a bit to suit the circumstances, the route is the same. Of course, world war could not possibly happen again, and this time there would be no Britain standing alone as Britain no longer has any moral values in government, just a self serving bunch of Scottish mafiosi plundering the national wealth.
Ditching ID cards would be a small step in the right direction, restoring our liberty would be a second. Returning government to being the servant of the people and not their master should be the objective.