Cartoon series was...
...excellent - really enjoyed it.
Not sure about a 3D affair though, looks a bit odd..
US aficionados of Star Wars can on 15 August enjoy a cinematic launch of forthcoming animated TV series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Variety reports. The silver screen release is the fruit of a deal between Warner Bros, Turner Broadcasting and Lucasfilm, which described this "marrying [of] TV series and theatrical release" as " …
Hmm, possibly because Spaceballs was a pretty piss-poor piss-take of Star Wars? Um, in order to make money. Think what you're saying here, if you don't want Lucas to have your money, don't go and see it. But no, you're saying you've seen Spaceballs 2????? Which no one else (correct me if I'm wrong) has ever heard of? O right, I see, you're making a joke, there never was a Spaceballs 2. So how come you're reminded of it? Are you mental or something? If you don't think people should have the freedom to make money out of film-making maybe you should move to some communist country or something.
Satire? AmanfromMars posting as an AC? I dunno, but it seems that you obviously missed the little joke in Spaceballs about Hollywood's obsession with producing sequels to big hitters in the hopes of making more money from the same idea.
Did you even *watch* the film?
Is Paris going to be voice-acting in this one?
At least George Lucas is unlikely to direct these. The man couldn't direct traffic along a one-way-street.
In the hands of a competent director, Ep I, II & III would have been a lot better, with fewer useless (franchise) characters, better/tighter script, and no pathetic dialogue between Padme and Anakin...
... so here's hoping for something cool.
"Did you even *watch* the film?"
Why, is there there some deep philosophical point you think I missed, assuming that's what you're meaning by the emphasis, as if watching isn't enough, I have to *watch* it to really *get* it. Get a grip.
It was years ago I watched so I don't specifically remember that part of it no, but it's not exactly hard to imagine. So apologies for the original assumption.
My other point stands though. Sequels are bad but "comedy" pastiches of original (sic) works aren't?
Graham : Don't worry, your not the only one to recall that film in all it's glory.
I was always a little disappointed they never released Spaceballs : The Flamethrower myself.
Any guesses as to what the combination on my luggage is set to?
Oh and this is an unlisted wall...
I didn't wear a coat, but the dark helmet is mine, thanks.
Stopped being a fan after episode *V*? When the series lost the deep plot, meaningful dialog, and intricate emotional interplay of A New Hope and Strikes Back?
And wait a minute - you're complaining about General Grievous but you didn't have a problem with Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker? You didn't notice that half of the characters have modern US names and the other half have fantasy names?
Jesus Christ, people. You don't watch ANY of the Star Wars movies because they're good. None of them are "good". But some of them have the advantage that you SAW THEM WHEN YOU WERE NINE!