Virtual Madness
With support built into the Linux Kernel since version 2.6.20 just what is the point of even thinking of paying for using virtualization on a platform shipped with a known bugs and who know what other issues?
Hyper-V is Microsoft's whizzy new virtual server manager, which uses new virtualization features in recent Intel and AMD processors so support more efficient virtual machines. Intel's extensions are called Intel Virtualization Technology (Intel-VT), formerly code-named Vanderpool, while AMD's extensions are called AMD …
Okay, I'm not sticking up for anyone here - I am a Linux man myself but there's no way the company I work for would switch lock, stock and barrel to Linux over their MS contract.. there's no-one to officially support Linux and most of our stuff is built in .Net.
It's not as simple as "Xen/KVM are cheaper", the rest of the package needs looking at - TBH I'd LOVE to swap to RHEL/CentOS 100% but it isn't going to happen :( Till then, we'll be on MS for most of our servers..
MSFT overlooked one huge thing with this Hyper-V - if you are joining the market as a second place competitor you better make dam sure you can migrate the leading solutions into your own product.
Hyper-V has given me all sorts of problems and has not once migrated in a Workstation 6 or ESX3 image.
I've tried virtualization features into my Phenom, but with unsuccess.
Into W2008x86/64, i set to enable Hyper-V and restart my pc; i0ve see message that tell that virtualization may be enabled also into bios and this is next operatione that i do. After enabled into bios, when i try to open Hyper-V features my pc go to freeze.
I'm Microsoft subscriber, now Technet and previous MSDN, and if this happen newly and not appear any notice about it, i think that will contact my Microsoft services.