Web Pioneers
LOL. There are sure a lot of "web pioneers" these days. I guess it's slightly better than "inventor of the internet".
LISP was an interesting piece of computer science, based on lambda calculus. Well based incorrectly until dynamic scoping was fixed, but that's an important cautionary lesson in computer science.
I was a fan of the language at one time (I wrote a fast interpreter for the VAX) but I would never recommend it anymore today. For serious programming projects, it just has too many notorious maintainabilty and readability problems.
LISP lost a lot of credibility in the 1980s when a very expensive VLSI design project was undertaken at a major research consortium in Texas. One of our department heads in Bell Labs research left to join them, but the project caved in and failed. The word spread that LISP was blamed for creating an unmanagable software engineering problem.