Billy: "Nothing against Tallahassee. I've never been there but I'm sure it's a lovely place."
No, it isn't. I spent 6 weeks there in the summer of 1960 and can speak at first hand. In those days, A/C was uncommon, so you just sweltered in the climatic sauna of the Gulf Coast. Musical instruments grew green mold, crotches rotted with alarming speed, and every afternoon at 2 pm the heavens would open and a short downpour would pour down for the next hour, leaving a landscape looking not too different from the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes when it was over.
However, the local institution of higher education, Florida State University, didn't seem to be especially behind the eight ball, and may very well have a half-decent law school.
IT angle to placate the moderator: FSU is where I first learned to program a computer, an IBM 650 with (whee!) 2000 biquinary words of memory on a magnetic drum. Or was it 1000 words???? The memory, she dims.
Hot stuff, in more sense than one.
Paris, because she's hot stuff too.