@risky no pic's no proof
First of all all US claims of Iran producing Nuclear grade fissile material are based the usual CIA BS and nutter former evil evicted ruling class Iranians who if convicted in a US court of law for crimes and serial killings theft and so on would be doing ten to twenty consecutive life sentences ! This information is from the same source that told us about Saddam's weapons of mass deception , have you found out where haliburton has stored these weapons yet , please tell the world and the UN as we would all like to know including Colin Powell and all the living relatives of the million or so deceased democratically liberated Iraqi citizens since 1991 due to US sanctions and all US Oil Companies making enormous profits during post Gulf War 1 from oil smuggling (forgotten about already have we ?)
As for holocaust denial provide the proof that Iranians have done so since that country has for the past two thousand years not troubled the local Jewish faithful unlike the anglo white american ancestors going back in time to bad King John of the Magna Carta fame !
As for lunacy , a picture hangs in the oval office at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington DC of an outlaw fleeing a posse with a portable neck tie just for him !
Yeah most of the world knows the biggest lunatic and quite possibly the man most stupid enough to start WW3 on a whim resides at the Washington address too!
Now since dating back to the Roman Empire times name one country that Iran(Persia) has invaded , directly interfered with or paid revolutionaries to over throw same , having a bit of trouble are we ?
Now going back to the year 1812 , name how many countries the US has either directly invaded or interfered with or deposed democratically elected governments , having trouble remembering the numerous history volumes are we !
Sadly , being a polite person who allows all to express their views without either fear nor interference , may I congratulate on your wonderful seven concrete veils of propaganda your are wearing , as it would be more then adequate to stop even a direct hit at point blank range from this bomb that is for sure ! You may proceed flank speed full ahead with your nonsense , it is your free choice to believe that which many a rational person of logic deem as unbelievable, I am not stopping you , and oh please have a nice day too !
In closing a line from the "Crimson Pirate" sums it up neatly(it was made back in the days of an evil unamerican senator Joseph was plying his trade) "Not I. All my life I've watched injustice and dishonesty fly the flag of decency . I don't trust it. "