My point exactly.
If Verizon added a nationwide 700Mhz band this would directly benefit 50m subscribers, who could have access to great coverage indoors and in poor terrain. The US gets a world-class cellular network, maybe for the first time. And it would indirectly benefit 300m people by forcing the competition to improve their networks and/or tariff - because even dumb pigopolist telcos know when they're getting their butts kicked. So the market wins.
This is why it's such valuable spectrum, and why the bidder wants to pay so much. This is also $20+m off the federal tax take, or cutting the national deficit. Another win-win.
Now what, exactly, is EVIL about all that?
Oh I forgot. Google says it Does No Evil, so anyone who opposes Google, ergo, Must Be Evil.
Journalists like things in black and white. And pandering to the "Save The Internet" morons.