What the groundhog really said ...
No further comments ^^
At the curiously-named Gobbler's Knob, in the town of Punxsutawney, western Pennsylvania, just a few moments ago, the little furry form of Punxsutawney Phil cautiously emerged, sniffed around for a bit... and then quietly muttered in Groundhogese that his own shadow he could see. So according to the seer of seers, the …
Up here in the Northeast, 6 more weeks of winter _IS_ an early spring. Then again if they really meant it to apply here they would have called it "Woodchuck Day".
For the uninitiated, they are called woodchuck because because they look like a short rotting log, hence the "wood" and "chuck" is the sound they make when a high velocity .22 LR knobs them in the gobbler.
At the risk of looking like I'm actually interested, I looked up Imbolc on Wikidedia (I know, I know) and it looks like Imbolc was celebrated around February 2nd.
They also had this old rhyme:
"The serpent will come from the hole
On the brown Day of Bride,
Though there should be three feet of snow
On the flat surface of the ground"
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't snakes cold-blooded? It's just that I'd have thought most snakes would be doing a passable impression of a broom handle if there was 3 feet of snow on the ground.
Snakes come out in the winter to sun themselves, good time to catch them...if one is so inclined.
I was in Ost Tirol hiking about a bit late in the season, and came across a little snake at around 1800m with snow all around. It was on the path. I nudged it out of the way with it hissing aggressively at me with my hiking stick when my German partner pointed out that this was a Kreuz Adder. Poisonous.
Well I am more used to the rattlesnakes back home, so I was not too worried...but point be made if there is a touch of sun, then some snakes come out...and that is just the type of event that makes the prediction. Sunshine as opposed to heavy clouds.