Pfft only 1.2 Billion?
I'm not sure who the real idiots are, stock market analysts or the executives who try to appease them.
Google wants you to know it's well on its way to taking over the world. This afternoon, during a quarterly earnings call with industry analysts and journalists, CEO Eric Schmidt focused on the company's "strong international growth" in 2007. "More than half of our search traffic is now outside the United States," he said. " …
Seems like the problem with capitalism as a whole today. A company can obtain a 90% market share, be making billions in revenue, and the board doesn't give a damn about that if they aren't making huge quarter-on-quarter growth in revenue to support an ever-increasing stock price.
Seems like the eternal cycle nowadays: a company starts out little and competitive, they go IPO, customers *and* investors are happy for a while, then they mature, reach a large market share, have nowhere else to grow, loose focus on their original mission and start diversifying into everything under the sun, or sell-out their original product until it is so bloated, full of ads, and licensing restrictions that another startup takes over, and the cycle repeats.
Either investors need to wise up, or the SEC needs to start forcing mature stocks to pay a percentage of dividends equivalent to their market share.
Pray tell, Cade Metz in San Francisco, approaching world domination in what? [Seventh] Heaven forbid that one should rain/rein/reign on the parade and compromise the charade, but that report smacks of quite copious amounts of delusion grandeur. But then San Francisco does have a well earned and renowned reputation for such heads of wisdom and learning. Bravo, we salute you.
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