Plastic on the seats?
Could be a sticky situation at 37000 ft.!! have they announced the carrier or flight number yet? Will be needing some sanitizer after the flight.
A German company will later this year launch flights for nudists, aimed specifically at former East Germans who pine for the good old days under Communism when just about the only thing that wasn't illegal was getting your kit off. The service will run from 5 July from Erfurt in southeast Germany to the Baltic Sea island of …
I'm terribly sorry, but I find the idea of plane-loads of Germans in the altogether being in some way in harmony with God's ineffable plan the most hysterically surreal concept.
Proof, if needed, that truth really can be stranger than fiction, even when the fiction concerned is Monty Python's Flying Circus.
(Must. Stop. Hysterical. Giggling.......)
"But then they will be able to enjoy the hour-long flight in the way God intended."
Thats a bit of a strange statement, isn't it? Surely, if your one of those people who believes in all that silly God nonsense, then "the way God intended" would not be that you catch a plane at all, but that you damn well walk there.
Well, bits of her, anyway.
One wonders what the pleasure is sitting in a plane while naked. I suppose the pre-flight safety announcements could be more interesting than normal: "In the event of a drop in cabin pressure, you may find your nether regions are shrinking. A small woolly pouch will drop from above." etc etc...
As for hiding explosives and so on, a number of cocaine smugglers would confirm that there are numerous body cavities and organs that stuff can be hidden in. However, and I can confirm this from personal experience, Selfridges didn't hide its cosmetics when Spencer Tunick did his nude installation on the ground floor in 2003. I suppose they thought no-one would want to use lipstick purloined in this way...
I'm certain there's an IT angle somewhere here...
Anonymous for obvious reasons...
As a citizen of the U.S. of A. I object to your bootnote. To think that we would find terrorism more of a threat than the incidental exposure of naughty bits is beyond belief!
Seeing the human body in its natural form is the greatest of all terrorist acts. Have you see how big some of my fellow citizens are? That's just inhumane.
Quote from above:
"In the event of a drop in cabin pressure, you may find your nether regions are shrinking...."
Not so! In fact, the reverse will be true. That's why such things as certain feature-enhancing pumps are sold in erotic stores all over the world.
So a better announcement would be: "In case of a pressure drop you will find that certain oppurtunities offer themselves to you - or should I say "arise"?. Use them quickly and we will guarantee you a happy landing."
If people actually pay for that, the economic problems in that region of our glorious country are no longer a mystery. At least the plane will drop near the border to Poland, where you might actually *ahem* get something in return for your 500 bucks. If you just had not already wasted them on being trapped in a plane with 50 naked strangers old enough to miss being naked behind the iron curtain... it will take more than 500 bucks for therapy to get rid of that experience.
well here's an opportunity for the low cost airlines like the one i work for !!! ...all pax have to travel in the nude unless they pay $8 ..along with meal payment...bag payment ...legroom payment ...coffee payment ..seat allocation payment...etc...etc....they wud make a fortune...especially in Utah !!!