The 44 Bus?
Here we have a Number 44 Buss.....
It's always a pain in the arse bus - Linked perhaps?
Humans are pre-programmed to hit the depths of misery at the age of 44, researchers have found. That is the age at which the probability of depression peaks for both men and women, researchers from the University of Warwick have found. That particular institution’s closest town is Coventry, suggesting they do indeed know what …
I live in Coventry, it really isn't as bad as Birmingham or most council estate areas of London. We have a large amount of really nice middle or upper class residential areas in the city, only a few areas such as Wood End, Hillfields and Stoke Aldermoor are some of the most divey areas.
Try saying that about, I dunno, Bracknell.
Plus I think our reputation of having a high gun crime rate is coming down (at least in relation to other cities).
The city is becoming less and less concrete 60s sh*t hole and more modern glass structures, weve got a new cosmo style cafe/restaurant/nightclub area around that Time-Team old cathedral dig site, and a lot more new developments on the way, even the old 50s/60s precinct is changing.
Plus we've got a ridiculously sized Ikea store in the centre, positioning-wise paying very little attention to the road infrastructure for the potential customer influx, but what the hey.
So less of the Coventry slams you, its becoming bearable to live here!
Gone anonymous cowardliness only so I dont get any of you chav scum coming looking for me! ;-)
Hmm, Maybe this is because at 20, most people have energy and are students having fun. At 44 they're right in the middle of that dip between university and retirement that we all call work. Then by the time they get to 70 they can be happy again because they've retired and their time is there own.
Paris Hilton angle because I realise this makes me come across as a work shy tosser, which I am not, I just prefer doing what i consider important with my time, and not what someone else considers important.
According to feng shui, the number 4 is enormously inauspicious as it sounds like the word 'death. So 44 is supposedly doubly inauspicious as it sounds like 'death death' or double death... at least in our number system it does. I guess 444 would be even more awful but if I got there I shouldn't worry about petty things like my age being triple deathish.
So it's all obvious really. Why bother with the research...
Do not (I repeat not not on pain of death death) ask me how I know this thing as I shan't admit that I really do know this piece of triv ever.
But you understand why people at 70 are as happy as 20 yr olds right? Personally I can't wait till I'm 70 and can get away with being a right bastard to kids.
70 is a magical age at which you can get away with throwing rocks at kids that run on the grass, park your car at traffic lights to read a nice book and turn up at your children's Christmas parties in your underwear. You can pretty much get away with anything short of murder and pass it off as having a senior moment.
Next time some snotty little bastard is rude to you, smile and remember when you're 70, you can take a dump in his car.
So depressed on my 41st birthday I got paralytic and had to be poured through the letter box.
Now I'm late 50's and still depressed (I've got this pain in the diodes all down my left leg) First Great Western and the Underground does that to you.
Grumpy old men, don't talk to me about grumpy old men.
... who has just completed a fairly satisfying stint at 44 (45 as of last December) and believes that my forties are far more satisfying than my thirties, I feel positively antisocial for mentioning it.
As far as this piece of research is concerned, statistically speaking, does that make me above or below average?
I have always been bad with dates and over the last few years I have been making a concerted effort to forget my age. I came up with the idea when somebody asked me how old i was and I couldn't for the life of me remember so i kind of guessed and replied that I was 38. The next year, my birthday came around and I was a bit gutted because I though I was going to be 39.. then I worked it out and realised that actually I was only going to be 37. Talk about great birthday, I was over the moon. I'm now trying to make this a permanent feature of my life. Just don't think about your age, don't acknowledge it, convince yourself your any age other than what you are and then forget about it. enjoy your birthdays but ban anyone from mentioning age. if you're even a tiny bit forgetful, give it a try. It might be mad, but it's brilliant !