legalise it
Ah - the annual resurgence of the great pot debate... so now, for your delictation, the annual comments.
1: Thousands die or are permanently harmed either directly or indirectly by alcohol ause in this country. The cost to the NHS is astronomical. There has NEVER been a single recorded death attributed to pot. People on drugs (search for Bill Hicks).
2: The level of tax now placed on tobacco would, if applied to hash, make it cost approximately the same as the current street value (allegedly) bringing a welcome new source of income to the government without the need to take any extra money from the already cash-strapped general public, merely diverting it away from all those terrorists that are supposedly being funded by the growing and distribution of said weed.
3: Am I to believe that God, in his/her/it's infinite omnipotent wisdom, looked down upon the Earth on the 7th day and said, "OMG - what have I done - I've gone and left hemp all over the place". I think not. The entire planet is festooned with useful plants and minerals - who are we to ignore the bounty of the world?
4: There IS documented evidence that suggests (quite strongly) of a link between the consumption of delta9 THC and the remission of glaucoma, the easing of respiratory problems, reduction of some mental aberations, lessening of withdrawal symptoms during cold turkey abstention from harder drugs, eases the come down off amphetamines (allegedly), reduction in demand for alcohol, less frustration (eg road rage, street rage, press rage, political satire) and the obvious immediate economic advantage of the consumption of lots and lots of snacks.
5: Hash, in economic terms, is one of the few items that displays "UNIT ELASTICITY". This does not mean it's bendy (except for squishy black - allegedly) but that no matter what the product costs to purchase, the consumer will tend to spend EXACTLY the same amount of money on it. That is, the cheaper it is, the more is purchased, the more expensive it becomes, the less is bought. This economic (a sort of pseudo-science) argument is categorical proof that sativa and it's derivatives are NON-HABIT-FORMING or, put another way - none addictive.
6: The prisons are currently overflowing... Child molesters are released early to re-offend to ease the burden. Prisons are supposed to be there to protect the public - where is the sense in using up valuable places incarcerating people who's only crime is to commit a crime for which there is NO VICTIM.
7: Of all the drugs freely available on the black market, dope is the most easily detected (and for the longest period of time) making it the single easiest means of obtaining a successful conviction by the Drug Squad and thus justify their activities.
8: Cigarettes harm health, alcohol destroys lives, governments destroy whole societies. Should we, the people, not be demanding of "our" government (the people whose job is to "represent" the masses) to represent us?
9: With smoking now banned in public places, all smokers - fag and spliff alike - are now pretty much indistinguishable. They all look shifty, huddled in alleys...
10: Dope heads make better council workers... after all, the current trend is for council workers to lose CD's of sensitive data whilst "druggies" rarely lose their stash.
The author would like to make it ENTIRELY CLEAR that (s)he does not partake at present.