@ Shakje
"Stop. No doubt you will play down your fangirlism as a joke, as usual. However, it's firstly, Apple's fault for releasing a feature that isn't supported by other networks"
Bad old Apple going and innovating like that! Don't they know Apple does not innovate? They only make shiny gadgets that go bing! Everyone here says so! How dare they? :)
"By buying a Jebus phone you are automatically accepting that you are buying a product with less features than similarly priced products'
Ok where do I get my real web browser, "No I do not count IE, I'm partial to security" my real internet, none of this web for pocket devices stuff" My roaming Wi Fi? My full video and audio player, all in a device small enough to put in a shirt pocket? And sealed enough so daily use or a drop of coffee does not stick a key?
Oh yes, I had so many choices! I'm obviously being taken terrible advantage of. In Europe the phones may all be AI super beings, I've heard it here that all Euro phones are super. Fine. But our phones here in the states are frankly not great. In eight years of mobile phones I Finally have one that does everything I actually want, flawlessly and elegantly. Yet simply by having it, and enjoying it you paint me up as a cultist?
I'd have been happy with a Symbian phone, as the only American I ever knew with a Psion 5 I loved Epoc "Symbian" and I used it till it fell to pieces. I'd buy a Symbian phone in a heartbeat if it did what I wanted. Or a Linux one. I run Linux too remember?
I'm still trying to get a Psion 7. Or even another Psion 5. Am I a Psion fangirl too?
I'm going to try this one more time, now listen carefully. JUST BECAUSE I BOUGHT AN APPLE PRODUCT DOES NOT IMPLY A CULT WORSHIP OF STEVE JOBS. I like what he is making NOW. I did not like it pre Tiger. And if it changes in functionality or security I will buy something else I like better.
Show me a good non windows dependent 160 gig multi media player the size of an iPod for a reasonable price. I'll buy that. I don't like iTunes either. Show me a phone that meets MY needs better than the one I have now I'll buy that. and no the Nokia N95 does not. Poor screen, jumbled mechanical buttons, dreadful layout. And Bulkier too. I didn't like it. Pity, I like the OS.
Again, and listen carefully THIS IS NOT A RELIGION. I will seriously look at any Non Microsoft product. I gave Microsoft 15 years of my life, they gave me acid reflux and migraine headaches. A strong experience based detestation for Microsoft products does not make me an "Apple Fangirl" or whatever smear you find it trendy to give to people who simply tire of buying YOUR pet brand name.
I have spent fifteen years building and supporting Microsoft Home systems. Both professionally, and as a hobby. I quit. If You want to se a "fanboy" may I respectfully suggest the bathroom mirror?