Committed to being environmentally friendly
I intend to get an environmentally friendly Prius and save the world by driving. I figure that I need to drive approx 500k miles in the Prius to undo the damage I inflicted on the world by driving a regular petrol burning 1300cc Corolla.
As soon as I get the Prius, I intend to drive 500 miles each week end. Just get on the hiway and run 250 miles along the road then turn around and come home. That means that I should be able to be carbon neutral in about 20 years.
This is going to be quite a heavy burden on week ends etc, but at least I will know I am doing my bit.
Now I know I am just one and the Hummer drivers are many, but by setting an example, perhaps more will join my quest to make the air cleaner one mile at a time.
I am a little bit concerned about what will happen when all the air pollution runs out. Will the Prius just stop working? I guess that is something that won't happen in my lifetime and something for the next generations of boffins to think about.