Why are the
"What the hell is it about Scientology that gets up everybody's nose? Are these fringers murdering people in the streets; stealing babies; putting saltpeter in our drinking water? Why do an equally silly bunch of fringers think they are a threat?
I want answers now!" -Robert Belcher
Ahh well now. It is my understanding that the cult (and I will call them a cult), use group pathology.
Trying to convince sombody of somthing is very hard one on one. A group telling them its true is much more effective.
Being part of a group or peers, and all coming to the same conclusion is even more powerful. In this way you can be manipulated, even normal sane people. Infact its your sanity that works against you.
It is aledged that the aformentioned cult use this group theropy (the exact wording escapes me at the moment) to create a very strong opinion in the subjects. This is the same phonomonen that happended in the london bommings (all be it for a diffrent cult).
How you do it?
Get a group of people, let them all get to know each other, and start 'radicalising them'. The cult does this in a number of ways. Basicly you want the people to bond with each other as this increases the effect, and you want them to see each other as separate from 'everybody else'. This causes bonding, not unlike you see in solders, miners and other groups. It is this bond that is then welded like a weapon. The most effective way I belive is by using 'plants' in the group, preferabley persuavie and ' genuine'. Then of course you need somthing to keep your group togeather, so you now give them a common cause, and at the begining of course its simple things like coming to meetings, helping each other out and slowly you twist there views and change what is normal and true.
By causing them to disaccosiate with there normal pals and famely there bond to the group becomes stronger. As you sever one connection the others become stronger untill the only connections the people have left are to the cult.
Needless to say that is a rather rough way of saying it, however it is the most powerful force in phsycology, group therepy. And when used for good, for healing and other proccess (to deal with alchohulisim, drug addiction ect) it is a very positive force.
I am going to stop now because its far to early in the morning, my spelling and english have suffered. I have been at group things before and at the time did some reading on it. However in my 5 second internet search I could not russle somthing up for you to read, so go find it your selfs.
On a side note, the Ano thing, well I would not say its my chosen format of attack I would rather they were just outlawed.
It does however at least more or less leave the poor smucks at the bottome of the cults heape out of the frakis more than more physical vandalisim and violence might of.
Anyway I am off to read a link or two posted by ano cowerd above.