back to article Japanese delay won't stop Euro PSP Skype launch, says Sony

The launch of a version of Skype running on Sony's PlayStation Portable (PSP) will still go ahead in Europe and the US later this month, despite a delay affecting the software's Japanese roll-out. PSP_slim_and_light Only Sony's Slim and Light PSP will get Skype PSP slim'n'light owners will get to use Skype’s VoIP …


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  1. steven

    who cares ????

    The homebrew scene already has voip.......

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Erm, does this mean the Japan mics will be different? How/why?

    @Steven - yes it does, but I'd have a guess and say that the majority of PSP users are using the standard Sony firmwares. Homebrew is in the minority! Most people who want it (IMHO I guess not many though!) will want to use something that "just works".

  3. Mage Silver badge


    My Mobile radio has two settings for Mic (labelled 1 &2), to suit European or Japanese speakers. The "wlong" setting does sound worse with european speakers.

    So a mic for Skype in Japan may indeed be different.

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