The brazilians can still play everquest 2 then?
@Doug Lynn
I'm also a bible loving, creation believing, global flood believing, born again Christian. I LOVE everquest2 and play a wizard. There's a huge difference to playing a character such as those found in games such as EQ2, and sorcery as described in the bible.
Are you against Harry Potter too? Pointy hat and fantasy wizards and witches are not what the Bible is talking about. Most such Christians seem to have no problem with the Lion, Witch and Wardrobe, that has a witch, but its written by a Christian, so that makes it OK?
I would NEVER touch the anything to do with the occult, again there's a difference to my wizard casting a spell that lets me turn into a tiger for 5 mins on a game and me devil worshipping.
Saying that, I can understand someone whose been involved in the occult, wanting to stay clear of anything that might remind them of such things.
I didn't hear about the Grand Theft Auto guy, but I have heard of Christians Bombing abortion clinics. The actions of a few deranged humans shouldn't make the rest of us sit around in padded cells playing with cotton wool just in case we get the urge to hurt someone.