Mountain? Understatement
@Chris: Come on. Why, just why, would any sane person even attempt to use webmail, let alone Yahoo! Crap! Maybe! Mail! If! We! Feel! Like! It! Today! (a.k.a. if we've had more than 1 search hit)
@Robin: Why do they spend money on stuff like that? To look like google. Being a google evangelist, it's hard to say google does some trivial stuff, but they do. So what is the converstaion like in the boardroom?
A: Hey! I! Think! We! Should! Get! Better! At! This! Whole! Search! Thing!
B: How?!
A: Copy! Google!
*b codes yahoo pipes*
A: That's! Our! Work! For! This! Year!
B: YAHOO! Our! Share! Prices! Will! Go! Up! [sic]
A: Yay!
You make a good point about being crap. Especially concentrating on what they're good at; fortunately, when they do this, they will close all of the uneffective parts of the business. They will fire 100% of the staff.
And @Chirs: Mountain? I think Mars Mountain would be a little more accurate.
(I heard it rained yesterday. Muddy mountains are hard to climb. Especially if you're bright yellow and could list more names for useless products than the searches for them with said engine actually return)