Good to see that the classic bow and arrows is still up there. Nice list.
A Jedi knight's lightsaber has been voted the top movie weapon, pipping Dirty Harry's Magnum .44 to the post in a 20th Century Fox poll of 2,000 film buffs. The Star Wars illuminated sword heads a mixed bag of offensive items, including the Hattori Hanzo katana from Kill Bill, Oddjob's unfriendly bowler hat* and Indy's …
In a recent show "The Science (not)of StarWars" they essentially disproved nearly ever single future technology that science dope George Lucas "proposed" in every foolish scene of all the StarWars "episurd" (pun) - ESPECIALLY the light-saber. (also author, learn how to spell light-saber)
Going to prove that neither George Lucas nor ST fanatics paid any attention in school science or physics ... assuming that ST fans even finished grade school.
...Uzi 9mm should be on there.
After all, its "ideal for home defence" :-)
Great list though.
Death Star wins for being most *powerful* weapon, I guess.
Until I think of Soren's firework rocket that makes stars go supernova in Star Trek:Generations of course.
Or are there more powerful weapons in the movieverse?
"in a recent show "The Science (not)of StarWars" they essentially disproved nearly ever single future technology that science dope George Lucas "proposed" in every foolish scene of all the StarWars "episurd" (pun) - ESPECIALLY the light-saber. (also author, learn how to spell light-saber)"
In what way disproved?
Disproved in that some know all scientist says it cant be done right now? duh!
Its meant to be a future technology, unless of course we are going to say, everything that there is to be discovered, already has been discovered?
Ok, the fact that the Death Star made it to the list hints at a Star Wars happy survey sample...
How about the satellite laser cannon in Akira??
Judge Dred's Law-maker (?? or whatever it's called, admittedly rubbish film though).
The M56 smart gun from Aliens??
The personally signatured heat seeking bullet in Runaway (http://www.technovelgy.com/ct/content.asp?Bnum=1037)??
The lawn mower in Braindead??
I'm sure the list goes on and on more than any damn energiser bunny..
Also "Machine Gun - Scarface" - WTF?!?!? Surely they would of needed to actually pick one of the ones used, rather than generalise!!
Well, there are a view more powerful weapons in TV/anime series; the Dakara superweapon in Stargate can destroy all life in the galaxy; the Buster Machine III in Gunbuster blew up a large part of the galaxy; and of course, the wormhole weapon in Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars, could potentially destroy the entire universe. However, as far as mainstream movies go, I don't believe we've got beyond nova weapons yet.
Surely it's "lightsabre" :o)
Anyhoo, good list, although "machine gun" seems very unspecific for Mr Montana's "little friend".
A couple of others that should have made the list...
Dredd's Lawgiver, although that was spoiled by the unbelievable inclusion of a "double whammy" round. I mean, wtf? Thanks Stallone.
Travis' "up the sleeve" gun from Taxi Driver.
"Chainsaw (Texas Chainsaw Massacre)"
It was never used as a weapon in TCM, just waved around menacingly, for true use as a weapon see Ash in Evil Dead II/III.
Incidentally, there's nothing wrong with owning Force FX sabres, it's just bragging that you have 6 of the buggers that gets you thrown ..... all right I'm leaving.
surely everyone agrees that "hokey religions and ancient wepaons are no match for a good blaster at your side"
am similarly disapointed that the M134 General Electric Minigun as Blane uses in Predator wasn't in the top 10. not enough people read Robert Rankin books obvious to realise the true potential of such a weapon
the all singing, all dancing and fantastic AT-AT!!!!! That, surely, must be the mother of them all! I know it couldn't blow up planets, but it walked, was bigger than Digby (youngsters won't understand that one!) and I had one in my living room when I was a kid!
Come on, for an elegant, small form-factor, realistic and highly plausable (for those of you who worry about such things) yet efficient personal energy weapon, you can't get more classy than Babylon 5's PPG. It even has the smooth, curvy lines of a more classic hand gun. That and the fact that I'm a ridiculously big B5 fan and am one of an incredibly small number around the world who actually owns a replica PPG - better than a mass-produced light-sabre replica, but still immensely sad :-)
Umm.. Star Wars was never presented as a Science Fiction series, but as a "space opera" or "fantasy that happens to be set in space" kind of thing.
It was never intended to be scientific, or to "propose" anything as a new technology, but just a pretty good B action film. Lucas has always been very clear on that.
Perhaps instead of taking them seriously, you should instead watch the films as adventure movies meant for enjoyment.
Some others that deserve a mention:
The arm-mounted chainsaw used by Ash in Evil Dead 2.
The suicidal bomb from Dark Star.
Blain's chain gun in Predator.
The One Ring (though it never gets used).
The Genesis project.
Freddy's finger blades.
Bond's Walther PPK.
The Weirding Module voice amplifying weapons from Dune.
Dire Straits vinyl LP.
Sharpened edge boomerang from Mad Max 2.
'Hey, just what you see, pal.'
Personally I'd go for Ol' Painless. Who cares that the recoil would push you over, or you couldn't carry the batteries or enough ammo. In the world of film such things aren't a problem!
Or failing that I'd go for the M56 Smartgun. Or the M41-A at a stretch.
If you'd chosen any of the top 10 options short of the Deathstar you'd soon be learning that the ability to deliver large amounts of hot lead in a short time provides certain advantages!
"Disproved By Simon Goodwin"
"in a recent show "The Science (not)of StarWars" they essentially disproved nearly ever single future technology that science dope George Lucas "proposed" in every foolish scene of all the StarWars "episurd" (pun) - ESPECIALLY the light-saber. (also author, learn how to spell light-saber)"
"In what way disproved?"
- for the too stupid to understand, PHYSICS are PROVEN hypothesis (maybe you don't know that word) and the Discovery show used REAL SCIENCE to disprove everything essentially in StarWars. Does this compute?
"Disproved in that some know all scientist says it cant be done right now? duh!"
"Its meant to be a future technology, unless of course we are going to say, everything that there is to be discovered, already has been discovered?"
- Simon Goodwin reporting in from Twilight Zone, OK now you're proved it, you are stupid. BASIC Physics principles like behavior of light, energy, gravity, matter, physical constraints, properties of materials, etc DON'T CHANGE! Not even for "future technology" that break the laws of Physics! Hesus Christ, go back to school and start over are 4th grade! Living in a Fantasy Land is no way to live sonny.
Item number 2 should be .44 Magnum, the "point" goes to the left of the calibre to indicate how much of an inch your bore is.
And I agree, Noisy Cricket is definitely ultimate sidearm. Small enough to fit in your jock strap (or Anelinia Jolie's brassiere), powerful enough to bring down a flying saucer.
> BASIC Physics principles like behavior of light, energy, gravity, matter,
> physical constraints, properties of materials, etc DON'T CHANGE!
I'm sure I've seen some theoreticising lately which suggests that possibly these things do change, though not on a scale that has any especially relevance to anything much shorter than the life on the universe...
Two things:
1) You really need to get out more. Especially as you obviously don't know much about physics. In theory, a lightsabre (don't argue spelling with me, i'm English) could be made simply by having a focused laser. You could, again in theory, have the light focused over a short distance to have a cutting effect . The light would be visible past this point, but it wouldn't cut anything. That means that a lightsabre wouldn't actually be able to cut anyting along it's entire length, and would therefore take great skill and a good memory to remember how far along the blade would actually make an impact. There have been many ideas put forwards for how we could in theory make one in years to come. Go seek knowledge, my child.
2) Proven Hypothesis: Oh, dear boy. You either need to learn what "proven" means or what "hypothesis" means. Or what "physics" means. You do realise that most of the things we take for granted (gravity, light, energy) that have been proven by physics, are actually incorrect? Or that they are only correct under certain conditions? Physics is not a completely acurate science for the most part. We know enough to know that we don't know enough. That's about it. I'm sure that i'll be flamed for saying that, but it is true. It was proven that the world was flat. Oh, wait, that's not true anymore. It was proven that the earth was the centre of the universe. No, wait, that one has gone as well. I'm sure i've been condesending enough for now.
So anyway where the hell is the pulse rifle (aliens), uzi 9mm (terminator), milligun (predator), BFG (Doom), Gauss rifle with x-ray sight (Eraser), or even Chuck Norris! At least the lightsabre made the grade, and hurrah for the sword from kill bill. I happen to own a copy of the Demon Sword from that film, signed by none other than David Caridine. Yes, i truly am a sad little man. :)
A penguin icon, cuz he's cute and fluffy. No real relation to the post, but what the hey.
I agree that the M41-A from Aliens deserves mention, but only with the flame thrower duct-taped to it.
I also think the proton gun from Ghostbusters ("don't cross the beams!") should have been on the list.
But the lightsabre is indeed cool. So what if it is scientifically impossible? Star Wars is not Science Fiction, it is Space Opera, and so not required to make scientific sense. That would be like berating Tom & Jerry because hitting a mouse with a frying pan shouldn't make a mouse-shaped dent in the frying pan.
...that's one weapon that I would definitely not include in the list. Have used the thing (in training), but wouldn't want to have to use it in anger. Much too complicated to get going (multiple safety mechanisms), but tends to go off on it's own account. Quite uncool when that happens.
And, btw, @ Webster: "PHYSICS are PROVEN hypothesis (maybe you don't know that word)". Actually, the plural of hypothesis is hypotheses. But maybe you don't know the plural form. Dictionaries help in these cases. Try www.webster.com.
Zatoichi's sword-cane does have a certain elegance too.
The name then reminds me of my favourite fictional killer, Ichi, and his boot-heel blades used to split people open from head to toe.
Then there's the swords used by the Kray brothers to pin the guy to the pool table.
As for improvised weapons, I think the pen used by joe Pesci in Casino takes some beating.
Just kidding, although if the protoype from Robocop had been given a bit more screen time I'm sure it could have done some serious damage, instead of the impromptu 'executive board reshuffle' at the end.
Great to see the lightsabre taking top-spot!
I agree about the M41A, if only for the sound that sucker makes!
Someone mentioned him earlier, but I think he deserves another shout: Ash, by the end of Evil Dead 2, is a weapon.
Also, I'm very disappointed about the lack of any General Electric M134 7.62mm miniguns (I'm also a Robert Rankin fan). They are definitely more awesome than an M16 with an underslung M203 grenade launcher, even if one of them is being used liberally by Al Pacino.
Finally, all you Newton-afficionadoes need to remind yourself of the big fat disclaimer at the beginning of every Star Wars movie. It's: "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..." NOT: "In a few year's time, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology..." you plonkers.
I second the Lazy Gun. Now, can someone please film "Against a Dark Background" (a title so mind-numbingly clever it deserves an award on its own) so we can settle the argument once and for all.
If you *really* want to ruin some Civilisation's day though, the Dweller technique of accelerating a load of space debris, concentrically arranged by size from dust to planet, to around 0.99 C pointing the lot in the right direction and then waiting a few millenia takes a lot of beating.
The ultimate weapon from "Hitch hikers"
Designed by Hactar
For: The people of Krikkit (originally the Sliastic Armourfiends but with a flaw)
Size: Cricket ball
Function: a supernova bomb which would connect every major sun in the universe through hyperspace, thus making every star to go supernova.
Why destroy a planet when you can take everything down.
Ah! You Tube How do I love thee? Let me count the ways......... 6 in the morning, Rvd and RvD2.
For the those of you who are wondering what the Hell I'm talking about, these are movies made by amateurs? that are well worth the time taken to watch.
Yes that's my coat just next to Darth Vaders cape
To those of you who may not think that spelling matters, I can assure you it does. I remember once playing a text-only MUD for a brief time. Imagine my excitement when, after a couple of hours, I opened a box to find my very own light sabre. I immediately high-tailed it over to an arena, and challenged everyone to a fight. I must have lost a dozen times until some kind fellow pointed out to me that what I had in my hand was just a sabre that wasn't heavy.
Well if we're going outside of movies there are waaaay cooler weapons in literature than in film: Xeelee Starbreaker beams (Stephen Baxter), Starship Troopers Power Armour, Nuclear-powered X-Ray lasers (Footfall), the list goes on. And in Snowcrash, Reason may be cool in a showy kind of way, but Fido is a much more interesting "weapon".
Oh yes Fido, better known as the rat-thing.... A nuclear powered armoured rottweiler cyborg with hard wired sub sonic speed limitation in urban areas...... just the job for keeping unauthorised types out of the server room or creating mayhem in the pub. The Kouriers skateboards hard their attractions too.
Agree on the doomsday device, although we can possibly just say the bomb that Slim rides at the end could work as well.
GhostBusters - those backpacks. Bad ass
Army of Darkness - Some good Evil Dead points, but I'm going for Ash's shotgun ("This is my Boom-stick!")
Orgasmo - the Orgasmatron, or whatever its called. Funny movie, classic weapon.
* Trojan Rabbit
* Snarky Norman Cattlepult
* Foul Beast of Cair Banough
* The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch
* Banana
* Tiger Release
* Ten (or was it Five?) Ton Weight
* Crabby Appleton's printing press that automatically removed holidays from the calendars it printed
* British Defense Establishment's laser bazooka in "Help" (if only American-style funding were available to perfect it)
(OK, OK, not all from movies but definitely threats to be reckoned with.)
It was a 16 ton weight :-)
And what about Dekard's hard gun - nice look and made a good noise.
I guess it's a bit whimpy to suggest Leggy's bow and arrow, but it should supercede Robin's perhaps.
And the good old Zippo lighter must have been thrown hundreds of times to start a deadly inferno!
actually I think the minigun in Predator should have been a XM214 (5.56x45 nato) Microgun not the m134 (7.62x51 nato), as the SIX-PACK system (xm214, ammo pack, and power module weighed roughly 85 pounds .. figure minimum double that for the m134 system ... (feel free to disagree with these FACTS if you can find other proof?) .. and yes the M41A1 Pulse Rifle from Aliens (and to a lesser point A3) deserves to be on the list