Of course, the computer industry is not designed to be compatible with the requirements of Education. You can apply terms like "free-fall" and "feeding frenzy" to the way it works. It is driven by the market economy and the desire to make as much money as possible. This means the development of technology follows the money and not the needs of schools.
Truth is, as others have said, that the kids are already au fait with all the gadgetry and shiny buttons of technology. The paradigms of the user interfaces in software were invented by kids, rather than politicians, teachers, or even older people in the IT industry. They have a head start.
All this means that those who legislate are, of necessity, hopelessly out of touch, but nevertheless desperate to catch up.
And lots of kids in secondary education are already moonlighting into business to provide IT support, design, and Internet facilities. As their teacher stumbles through abstract concepts in class, concepts that he/she doesn't fully understand using equipment that has been forced on them by the LEA or business partner and for which they have recieved no comprehensive training, these kids sit at the back smiling knowingly, checking their messages from their social networking accounts, under the desk on their mobile phone.
What kids really need to be taught about IT is the stuff that they aren't already good at; social responsibility in usage, and awareness of the dangers, for their own safety.