...you would not expect anything less from the Mail on Sunday
UK magazine PC Pro today told the world how one of its readers didn't read the warning label on a free cover-mount disc and as a result got it stuck in his computer, allegedly damaging the machine's optical drive. Last weekend, the UK's Mail on Sunday newspaper gave away a free DVD of Neil Diamond's movie, The Jazz Singer. …
was not in English - or at least, not a recognisable form of English. Is that Mail on Sunday proofreader at work? At very least MoS should cover the repairs if they cant be bothered either to put the warning labels in English or to check with the purchaser at point of sale that they are not expecting a newspaper printed in English to be entirely in English? Then again, the Telegraph regularly includes a Putin fanzine with equally 'curious' English .....
German mags including EcoDisks had caused similar problems for Mac users last year. The warning was very small, and honestly who reads the small print on DVDs or on DVD labels. Fortunately a number of DIY solutions exist. The best one (and safest) method seems to slap the upsidedown Mac Notebook while pressing the eject button. The article describing this solution can be found at http://qompute.wordpress.com/2007/10/13/put-the-apple-notebook-upside-down-and-slap-it/
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