Will the first cure from embryonic stem cell research please stand up....please....anyone?
We found emotion being pushed to allow embryonic stem cell research. Christopher Reeve, in his wheel chair; Ronald Reagan's son, on his father's Alzheimers condition. All emotive pleas for why we should allow this research. But has it actually helped anyone? No, it hasn't.
Adult stem-cell work, however, is showing remarkable promise, and many leading researchers who were previously advocates for embryonic stem cell research are now saying that adult, not embryonic is where the future lies.
So why are we doing this? Because, I fear, too many scientists are only interested in the question "can we?", and are frustrated by those who ask "should we?".
My background is in medical genetics, my interest now lies in medical ethics.
I, like the previous poster, (Matty), believe that this is a step too far. Yes, you are right, it is "plain wrong".