Hybrid = greenwash
Right now, there are three problems with hybrids:
1. a diesel is more power and more efficient than the equivalent sized petrol powered hybrid
2. the batteries are an environmental hazard waiting to happen
3. they still use virgin fuel (petrol or ethanol)
#2 will be helped, but not completely eradicated by these new batteries. There are large hybrid vehicles that use diesel/flywheel or diesel/compressed air. Neither of these pose a future environmental risk in their energy storage devices.
Problems with ethanol:
1. it uses more energy than it contains, so it's worse than using the grid
2. it currently uses food crops, pushing up their price in third world countries
3. you still need 15% petrol or the engine blows up
#2 could be alleviated by using non-food crops, but that will still use farmland formerly used for food crops.
Problems with virgin biodiesel (SVO):
1. people seem to think that 80% dinodiesel is okay
2. people seem to think that 50% dinodiesel is okay
3. people seem to think that 15% dinodiesel is okay
4. it uses food crops, pushing up their prices in third world countries
Problems with recycled biodiesel (WVO):
Thanks for the ramble.