The Good old Days
I remember working there and having old ladies ask me where the blue rinse was. the most productive year of my life!
3 is pulling concessions out of 107 Superdrug stores in the UK, leaving only 20 in place, citing the increase in their own stores as the reason behind the cuts. 3 moved into Superdrug back in 2003, thanks to them becoming siblings when the high-street drug dealer was bought by Hutchinson Whampoa in 2002. That put 3 into 60 …
I tried to buy a 3 phone in superdrug once. I really tried, but first they would not take my visa debit card (nor cash??), then their paperwork was out of sync with the huge posters and finally they couldn't tell me how easy it would be to unblock it for international calls (as i have to make lots).
All in all, despite me being patient and willing they just couldn't sell me a phone.
.... so i went next door to carphonewarehouse and bought it there, obviously not on a 3 contract though. Phew, thankfully i went for vodafone who are predictably expensive but their coverage is really unbeaten.