Reality Synthesizer?
Where on Earth did you dig that name up from? The nVidia chip is named the RSX. There is a marvellous history to the Reality Synthesizer itself (RS vs RSX), which unfortunately this margin is too small to contain.
Sony's PlayStation 3 costs just $400 (£200) to make these days - about half of what the console cost to produce when it was launched in November 2006. So claims Nikko Citigroup analyst Kota Ezawa, BusinessWeek reports. Ezawa puts the reduction down to increased volumes, cheaper components but most particularly much-reduced …
They should be passing on the reduction to consumers. What a ridiculous thing not to expect. The PS3 is too expensive as a games machine, which is what i want to buy. I still hope they bring out a cheap stripped down model that just plays games. I dont need all the other crap.
They already did, or haven't you noticed that a PS3 is now £300, not £425?
This piece of speculation (analysts only have access to the same data as the rest of us) is merely suggesting that they cost $400 to manufacture. Sony then sell them in the US at $400. So not exactly a huge markup to cut.