New cars, you can keep em.
Perhaps the gvmnt should stop trying to get old inefficient cars off the road, compare the mpg of my 10 year old car at an actual 44mpg to a new one 'quoted' at 50mpg, yes the new one is slightly better, but what was the footprint of building it to save that 10%, shipping it, getting it to sale....
moreover, my car can run on any old fuel, hell it even runs on its own waste engine oil after oil change time, not to mention old chip fat, used paint thinners, vegatable oil and the 'official' bio fuels, show me a new one that you can do that with and not worry, hell most modern diesel's if you forget and put a bit of petrol in them they need a tow and a major repair! (fact, brother in law did it, had to have tank drained, and yes is 'contaminated' fuel went into my tank!)