re: backwards compatibility
i'm not sure the backwards compaitbility is really that necessary
if you have a large collection of ps2 games and you really need to play them that desperately, then you'll already have a ps2 and so you just need to plug that into your telly alongside your ps3
there is now a large section of ps3 games available and out of that there's at least a dozen games that are worth playing and good fun - the old argument that you need your old ps2 games because of the lack of next-gen choice no longer applies
the only ps2 games that i would really want to be able to play on ps3 (with it's upscaling to make them look nicer) are Shadow of the Colossus, the GTA series and Tomb Raider Anniversary. but since the ps3 came out, i've probably only spent 3 or 4 hours playing those, the rest has all been on ps3 games. and to be honest, i can wait for GTA4 and the new ps3 game from Team Ico becaude i'm busy playing the other ps3 games
so while it would seem to be annoying not to be able to play your old games, i really don't think it'd be necessary. and if you're really that desperate, just use your ps2!!