Weekend at Bernies III
At least this sequel sounds more exciting than the first two 'Weekend at Bernies' movies.
Two men were arrested yesterday in New York's Hell's Kitchen district after failing to convince staff at a "check-cashing store" to honour the welfare cheque of a deceased friend, the New York Times reports. Virgilio Cintron, 66, recently popped his clogs at his apartment at 436 West 52nd Street. His roommate James P. O’Hare …
They have first been arrested for murder, then with supplying a class A drug. Not that they'd investigate a death, determine a cause, then if the cause is suspicious, investigating the crime, then arrest the most likely suspect.
Nope, that's not how it works now in the UK anymore.
You find a dead TV presenter in the bath, you immediately arrest the grieving boyfriend for murder. If he's not there, arrest the nearest calm person for being 'too calm'.
Of course, the answer to all of this is biometrics. Oh, you need a fingerprint, no problem, I'll get him in here to give it to you. Never mind that the finger has assumed room temperature (or lower). Pay no attention. I have the ID card here somewhere.....
Out the door in great haste.
"He was lucky to *only* get arrested. At least they didn't chase him onto a tube train then stand on him and blow his brains out."
He was in NYC he wouldn't get that far. NYPD shot a guy 41 times because they thought his wallet was gun. NYPD also raped a man with a broom stick in the cop shop.
Google news on "palm desert body dumpster".
Just down the road from where I was working someone left a body outside a dumpster for a maintenance worker to find and load. Maybe the "finding" out part was not in the equation at the time; cannot say too much as information not released by police yet. :)