Government enabled racket ?
If I hear about some music I may like, from friends or whatever source, what do can I do nowadays ?
Go to the local official dealer, ask to hear the artist (no way I'll buy it without a little test), pay the CD. Since I paid for it, I have the right to hear it whenever and whereever I'd like, logically.
So I happily put it in the car CD player... Doesn't work !?! I say, f**k DRM !
I put it in my old portable CD player... Doesn't work !?! F**k DRM !
I want to encode it and play it on my portable MP3 player ? Soon enough it won't work (without using an illegal software that is) !?! F**k DRM !
So, today, whenever I buy a CD, I already feel that I am stolen from MY rights !
I turn on the radio in the car. I am forced by law to pay a license fee here in Switzerland. 9 out of 10 songs I hear, on any station, are things I'll never buy, I wouldn't accept even if given for free, and I'm not ever going to get by any way.
But because some businessmen in this world managed to make Justin Timberlake a "star" and have deals with MTV and have it played even in the shopping malls, it's number one in the charts, it's on the radio and I'm forced by law to pay for him. If I wouldn't want to pay for him, I'd have to remove the car radio, go to our government agencies to say I refuse to pay the fee, prove I removed the radio, and that would cost me even more.
So, I pay for people I don't want to pay, because of this stupid business model and the laws that apply to it.
2nd time I feel I am stolen from my rights.
So, as far as I am concerned, I for once would LOVE this whole music industry being forced to find a true competitive market model, where only the artists that play something nice enough for an audience that really is willing to pay for would survive.
Take one more example, valid here in Switzerland. Part of the tax I am forced to pay is to sponsor some artistic work. I see one huge problem at least :
hundreds of thousands $ are given each year to make it possible to play Operas.
Every citizen is forced to sponsor it, but at the end only the rich citizen are able to pay the remaining entrance fee, which is still way above what 90% of workers who paid tax for it can afford. So, poor people are sponsoring Operas for the rich people. I'd likely remove that sponsoring and make the rich people who like to go show other rich people that they like Operas pay the full participation due to it !
So when I pay more than half and hour of work's money for a CD for a 20 years ago dead artist that I can't play in my car, to pay businessmen that do their jobs so well that they force me to hear Justin or Britney in shops and sponsor against my will...
At minimum I feel I am stolen of MY rights 3 times.
Add the blanket license fee we have on blank digital container of any sort I am forced to pay even if I never copied any copyrighted work on them...
Add that crap implying I am a thief I am forced to see whenever I legally pay to rent a DVD...
And then call me a fool, because I feel there's a RACKET against me ?
Sicilians may have produce the maffia, but Hollywood is trying to enforce a worlwide government enabled racket.