back to article Qualcomm guilty of exceptional misconduct

A San Diego judge has found Qualcomm guilty of "a monumental discovery violation" in its failure to produce relevant documents for its dispute with Broadcom, and has reported six lawyers for disciplinary action. The documents cover Qualcomm's involvement in the Joint Video Team (JVT), and stems from the ruling last August that …


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  1. Morely Dotes

    Re: options

    "Qualcomm reiterated its previous apology, but says it's still considering its options."

    May I respectfully suggest seppuku?

  2. Reg Varney


    I think it's going to take more than a number puzzle to bring them back to the straight and narrow...

  3. Joseph Helenihi

    @ Morely Dotes

    I think you may have just cost me a keyboard.

    The coffee I sprayed into it while LMAO will likely render it inoperable in the near future.

  4. JeffyPooh

    Random thoughts

    I've noticed that CDMA causes much less RF interference (EMI) to nearby consumer electronics than does GSM. I've got both, and the GSM is constantly 'Bah-dupping' in various poorly shielded clock radios and PC speakers, while the CDMA is perfectly silent in the same circumstances.

    The US Patent System is broke.

  5. Chris Fleming

    !.2 M What?

    1.2M x 80 lines (a guess) =96M lines. Holy CR*P. Thats about 3 x more lines than the XP operating system.. No wonder the US of A needs more that 350,000 lawyers to run the "show".

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