A way that's a pain but works with more browsers than just FF (on XP)
These will work for XP unless there's a hostname other than uc8010.com and www.uc8010.com in use.
1. Open the file \windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts on your main Windows drive (usually C:)
2. in the left-hand column, put something unrouteable, like or better yet
3. hit tab, maybe a couple of times
4. in the new column, put uc8010.com
5. tab over again
6. put in www.uc8010.com
6b. you can put a comment in if you want, anything after '#'' is disregarded to the end of the line
7. save the file
8. flush your DNS (ipconfig /flushdns at the command line) and restart your net apps, or reboot the system
I understand there's more to editing your hosts file on Vista, but I haven't done that so GIYF if you choose to go this route on that.