''''Whoever you are, you are invited to use your TomDumb and drive my area. Please try to take out a kid. I would love to meet you..... Probably you dont have kids, nor do you understand that main roads are intended for fast traffic. Whatever. I hope you may grow up once.''''
Whoever I am, I posted nder my name, I know who I am.
I would be happy to use a tomdumb and drive in your area, and I *would* drive responsibly and carefully, I have over 20 years driving experience, of cars, motorcycles, and even an old ambulance used as a disabled transport vehicle.
I drive at all times of day and night on mixed roads, I maintain all my own and family/friends vehicles.
I have had 2 accidents in all this time, one I was shunted from behind by a woman putting her childs pacifier/dummy back in not watching were she was going, result, her car wrote off and my vans back doors pushed in.
Accident two, I misjudged a sharp bend on a cold icy morning and went tree hunting.
Dont misjudge my tongue in cheek post that I am an inconsiderate driver, but I do stand by the point about darwinism, kids have to taught and have to learn road safety, you cant expect the driver of a vehicle to see everything, and if a child runs out into the path of a car, they may not be enough distance for the car to stop, its physics plain and simple.
I think car manufacturers have a point to bear here, new cars are so quite compared to old ones that you could here them coming 1/4 mile away
I'm also 41 and do have kids, and live in a residential area where the roads are a rat run and a bus route.
As to your comment on possibly beating up the driver, Good on you, I'd have tried the same, because lets face it they need to be taught to drive carefully.
I choose paris hilton as my icon, because this is just too dumb to be debated, its the drivers fault, endof