iSCSI is becoming a simple commodity
It is kind of rediculous what people pay for this stuff. iSCSI technology is becoming simple commodity technology. EMC has been ripping off businesses since their conception. When storage was $1/GB the company I was at was paying $100/GB to EMC.
What is really needed is simple off the shelf hardware with huge banks of memory for caching. With a little modification, a xeon server motherboard with 16-32 FB-DIMM slots (up to 256GB ram), RAID cards, and linux host storage software can offer very scalable storage units on the cheap.
1GbE still doesn't cut it. 10GbE is getting there. But what I really look forward to is the 32nm based 100GbE optical chipsets that will make 100GbE storage networks common place (even in the home eventually). Someday, even a home enthusiast user will be able to buy a couple TB HD, drop it into his central home storage server (that is loaded with insane amounts of cache), and run all his home machines (and DVRs, HA, Security video DVRs, etc) on it.
Stay tunned.