Bound not to be first but...
Dr Clapp ? Investigating drunken chicks at sexually themed parties ? For real ?
US researchers have admitted they cannot explain why women are more likely than men to get legless at sexually-themed fancy dress parties - a shock finding which is the only known exception to the rule that chaps will invariably sink more alcohol at social gatherings than the ladies. Yes indeed, in the great tradition of …
We have geeks that want to get drunk and attend parties. That's good.
They have the social grace of a dyspeptic buzzard -sorry El Reg. That's bad.
They want to tipple a bit. That's good.
They can't afford it. That's bad.
They want to go to sex parties. That's good.
Sex parties are expensive. That's bad.
Why not get the department to fund attendance by geeks at sex parties?
Aren't geeks smart?
To quote:
"Given that some theme parties can be highly sexualised, future investigation of the mechanisms that may explain this effect is warranted."
"it would be necessary to carry out further field work".
Oh yeah, you bet it would. Months, no, years of hard research. You shouldn't forget to study the post-party consequences, of course, e.g. "does the increased alcohol consumption of women at sexually-themed fance dress parties increase the chances of middle-aged PhDs to mate?"
Ig-noble Prizes beckon.
"Most studies use survey methods that require people to recall their drinking behaviour - days, weeks or months prior - and such recall is not always accurate ..."
Then it means we should not even pay attention to those studies ...
How could anyone remember his alcohol comsumption weeks after, when some are even not able to recall it post shitface period !
PH icon. Even she could apply for Dr Clapp's job !
PS: hats off for Clapp to explain why he and his team are constantly pissed and chatting up girlies at work.
Researcher 'infiltrates' toga party for a couple of hours. Then prepares to gather experimental data. He sets don the keg he's been chugging from and eructates:
"'Ere darlin', blow this for us" [leer]
Only the drunkest will volunteer. Most half-sober chicks will decline. Hence the high breath alcohol score.
Sadly, the scientific method needs objective observers, so these poor scientists will have had to turn up sober to a fancy dress party (never fun for the over 12s, seriously) and can't have encouraged anyone to drink more.
It must have been absolute torture -- and they suffered through it for us!
Be more grateful, you swines! This is one of the noblest things anyone has ever done for me.
That scientists are still suffering for their conviction to break new ground in mankind's eternal quest for knowledge.
Well, not really, unless these blotto barfly babes insist on discussing their relationships with mothers, ex-boyfriends, cats and co-workers in excrutiating detail...
It seems rather simple to me. They're taking averages here, meaning at the more tame parties you will have a mix of society with a few of the heavier drinkers (women drinkers I mean) that are a smaller minority and more of the conservatives who don't drink as much no matter what the occasion. At the sexually themed parties you tend to weed out the more conservative women who don't attend, with the remainder being the heavier drinkers.
It's a bit like they would claim puzzlement if attendees at a Kiss concert were more likely to have their faces painted and wear black leather. They just need to get out more and taste the life they're trying to sample out of context.
All the piss taking above is out of order: this kind of science has a far higher potential for improving human happiness that all that boring astronomy and physics nonsense. We just need to find ways of increasing the situations where sexually themed fancy dress is considered de rigeur... replacing casual Fridays with sexually themed fancy dress Fridays, for example.
Cannot be sure, but did they sample the same people over multiple parties -- both themed and non-themed? If they did not (and at an average of 19.7 people present per party, it seems likely that they did not), is it not possible that women of the more 'extrovertial / gamey' inclination are more likely to attend sexually-themed parties than the rest, and by the same token, more likely to be heavier alcohol consumers than average (even the average male)? I know more than one or two females who can put away more vodka than most blokes I know.
Because men, in general, would more inclined to attend sexually themed parties than chicas. Do some research into swinger's clubs for instance. A very high sausage to muffin ratio there.
Similar results are reflected here. Good news is that if you don't mind your sausage residence slightly used, you would be more likely to find a place to stay for a while.
I have to agree with the previous comments... Researcher didn't understand the conditions of the study therefore cannot correctly interpret his findings.
Paris, because she provides many a lost sausage with a good home.