"If people equate freedom of speech with watching child pornography, then the Rudd-Labor Government is going to disagree."
That's a nice jump of logic.
From blocking porn, to people who watch porn watch child porn.
I like it.
Sadly that's a prevalent mentality in society today.
porn means child porn, so if you want porn you must be a peado.
They watch violent porn = they are going to rape and murder woman!
They watch loli anime = they are going to rape and murder children!
They ageplay = they are going to rape and murder children!
They roleplay S&M fantasies = they are going to rape and murder woman!
However interestingly apparently only porn makes people want to do things to people.
Violent films/games evidently don't make people become violent. People just do it.
Racing games don't make people speed and behave dangerously. People just do it.
Reading lolita doesn't make people go out and get seduced by children.
Now the rational man may say
Of course someone who commits a violent sex offence may have watched some violent porn. However it was the person that commit the offence, and for every person that breaks the law there are thousands who just watch the porn and fap. So is it sensible to say that violent porn makes people violent sex offenders and lock all those thousands who are happily fapping up? The same is true for my other four examples.
I wonder what the rational man would say.
Porn doesn't make people do things, people just do things.
Course all the above are different from actual child porn, or films of actual violent abuse, those are both criminal acts and watching them makes you an accomplice of sorts.
Law should be a scalpal not a dragnet.
O well. People are stupid.