back to article Tote to punt online casino from the Channel

UK government-owned gambling outfit the Tote is shipping its online casino off to the the Channel Islands to avoid paying tax to, er, the UK government. New laws that came into force in September aimed to liberalise gambling regulations in a bid by the government to attract the booming online sector to the UK, which is …


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  1. James Le Cuirot
    Thumb Down


    As someone who's from the Channel Islands but now lives in the UK, this really ticks me off. I realise that Jersey's economy is heavily dependent on these loopholes but they are downright immoral and I wish they'd just be closed up once and for all.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    @Typical moralist

    "I realize everyone would suffer where I used to live" buut since I don't live there anymore fuck 'em close these loop holes. What does morality have to do with paying taxes?

  3. Ishkandar

    @Chris Williams

    Haven't you heard of the immortal phrase "Don't do what I do; do what I tell you to do" !! The government obviously wants everyone else to be registered where they can be regulated and taxed easily but is moving its own operations off-shore to "facilitate its operations" !!

    It's well past 1984 now and Big Brother is truly with us !!

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