"How about, ah, nuclear?"
Don't be silly, don't you know that the waste from that will GIVE US ALL CANCER FROM A THOUSAND MILES AWAY!
Although oddly, I used to live up near the Dounraey PFR and the levels of leukemia and cancer weren't really any higher than any other area, as I recall.
If there is a problem with nuclear dumping, lets just build a few of those newfangled re-usable shuttles they have been harping on about for a few years, and just dump the stuff in the Sea of Tranquility on the moon - and if anyone has any foresight, they will arrange the dumping grounds in such a manner that in a couple of hundred years there will be a glowing green smiley face such as that which precedes this post for our kids and grandkids to look up to at night.
Surely better than having them cycle four hours a day to run a kettle for one cup of tea, and a much better use of the MIT techies brains than wasting time on headline grabbing, but ultimately pointless PR exercises.
<under breath>
Bunch of fucking morons...which goes for the MIT eejits and and anti-nuclear crowd...
</under breath>
Steven R