Hmm yes, Office 2007, you will install it, o'yes you will...
I have discoved to my undyeing joy, that when you upgrade Office 2003 to SP3, you gain the ability to rewrite all your old documents, because there too old!
Or you can find a PC with a SP2 version of 2003, and save them as text files, then open them in SP3 version and add the formating back.
I was so joy full that MS added the 'feature' that prevents you opening old documents, because there possibly 'unsafe'. Gee Thanks MS.
I also love the fact that you can not roll back SP3, and you need to flatten Office and reinstall, then reupdate to SP2.
Screw .docx, I want .doc!!!.
Still you can turn this 'feature' off, if you willing to edit your registery and risk reinstalling your OS.
A pal sent me this when I pissed and moaned enough:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
; See MS KB articles 938810 and 922847
; Excel
; PowerPoint (open)
; PowerPoint (save)
; Word
; Corel Draw
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Graphics Filters\Import\CDR]
As for PSP, yes I used to recomend it, and use it. However they did add too much to it, I mostly used it for little tweaking and its viewing lots of files options. I belive there was a sort of scripting avalible in one of the shareware versions, not that I had any need for it.
As for the PDF alt, I will give that a shot, I am fed up with adobe stuff updating every 5 seconds.