"good luck to you finding a xxxxx version"
"good luck to you finding a Linux version of any of the software used in a modern law firm."
Now say Vista instead of Linux and try again. Just how much of the software and hardware (and skills) used in a modern (whatever) firm are already available, supported, and working reliably under Vista? I guess any mid range PC less than six months old should be OK, Office is available even if Explorer's broken, but it's all different and needs relearning... hmmm, I see what you mean.
So the application vendors, end users, support people, resellers, etc are forced by Vista to throw away more hardware, software and skills than they have ever previously had to throw away because of MS upgrade cycles. To some of these folks, maybe that doesn't matter, because it creates more opportunities for $$$ than it creates problems.
But to folks where retaining kit, skills and $$$ does matter, if they've got to almost start again, wouldn't they be better starting from somewhere more sensible this time, somewhere which doesn't have a ~3 year life cycle for hardware, software, and skills?
It is entirely possible to develop software which isn't locked in to Windows. Even if Windows-only was a sensible option at one time, it looks less and less sensible as time goes by. If you are a significant customer, you should be asking your suppliers what their plans are for vendor independence and *true* open standards, because you've been jerked around enough by now by being locked in to your current suppliers.
Few manufacturers, resellers, consultants, IT PC jockeys etc are going to favour *not* throwing stuff away every two or three years (eg because of Vista) as it is financial and/or career suicide.
In contrast, any sensible home or business user ought to think very carefully about who is offering them advice on where to spend their hard-earned money, and what their motivation might be. Once developers realise this, they may decide that WIndows is not always going to be the only approach.
Meanwhile for a little light entertainment which illustrates just how long this silly game has been going on: http://www.joketribe.com/Christmas/97/December/12DaysOfPCHell.php (entirely suitable for work, just too big to post here)