Wakey wakey ........ Idiots'r'us
Dear MOD,
Whenever you decide to buy some NEUKlearer Alien technology, which will take care of All of your woes and friendly fire problems, be a good chap, and send an Instant Message just to prove that you are not brain dead or brain-washed into either inaction or handing everything over to the enemy. You have been taken on and are are being taken for a treacherous, traitorous ride and all in $ervice of Preserving a Failed and Failing Military Industrial Complex which is too much like a Fourth Reich to be either wholesome or trusted.
In the meantime, watch these Registered Spaces for RealTime AIResearch and dDevelopments Pinging Eastwards for Customers Bases and Joint Mutually Beneficial Additional Ventures because, quite frankly, you haven't got a clue about what is going on even when you are told, which may mean that your electronic communications are compromised too. It is either that or you are just not intelligent enough for todays Virtualised Environment of Quantum Communications and Electronic CyberWarefare?
And a Flame because it is needed to set you alight?
Maybe the problem is that Seven Sevens for C42 Quantum Control Systems is too cheap so therefore XXXXPect IT to be at least Nine for AIPerfect Ten System should you ever get your Act together.....and if that doesn't suit then we'll go even higher to a round Ten ...as in £7,777,777,777. After All, what's a few billion amongst friends whenever hundreds of billions are so easily lost and written off although some would suspect that they are just pilfered and stolen because the System is Corrupt at the Top. QuITe franky, who appears to care, which is another one of your problems, because it then renders the value of money worthless and only an Artificial Control used for Control Subjugation by Anonymous Cowards.